PDE Seminar

Title: Zero Viscosity Limit for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Navier Boundary Conditions
Speaker: Professor Yaguang Wang
Speaker Info: Northwestern University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Brief Description:
Special Note:

In this talk, we shall study the zero viscosity limit and behavior of boundary layers in a viscous incompressible flow with the Navier-friction boundary condition. For different relation of the slip lengths to the viscosity, we obtain several criteria on the convergence from the velocity of viscous fluids to that of in-viscous fluids in energy space when the viscosity tends to zero. The asymptotic behavior of boundary layers is derived by using multi-scale analysis.

Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Prof. Gui-Qiang Chen
Contact email: gqchen@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5553
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