
Title: Geometry of (quantum) symplectic varieties
Speaker: Thomas Nevins
Speaker Info: UIUC
Brief Description:
Special Note:

Symplectic algebraic varieties and their quantizations provide a fundamental link between algebraic questions of representation theory and powerful techniques of geometry (such as Hodge theory and Morse theory). I will discuss this link in some examples and describe a general framework. I will explain progress toward a precise characterization of when "algebra and geometry are the same" (in the sense of an equivalence of categories). If there is time, I will also discuss some features of the geometric picture that fit well with the emerging structure of the Fukaya category in real symplectic geometry. The talk draws on joint work with Gwyn Bellamy, Chris Dodd, and Kevin McGerty.
Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Dmitry Tamarkin
Contact email: tamarkin@northwestern.edu
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