Special Seminar

Title: From Quantum Groups to Noncommutative Geometry
Speaker: Dimitri Gurevich
Speaker Info: Valenciennes University, France
Brief Description:
Special Note:

Since creation Quantum Groups theory numerous attempts to elaborate an appropriate corresponding differential calculus were undertaken. Recently, a new type of Noncommutative Geometry has been obtained on this way. Namely, we have succeeded in introducing the notions of partial derivatives on the enveloping algebras U(gl(m)) and constructing the corresponding de Rham complexes. All objects arising in our approach are deformations of their classical counterparts. In my talk I plan to introduce some basic notions of the Quantum Groups theory and to exhibit possible applications of this type Noncommutative Geometry to quantization of certain dynamical models.
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015
Time: 11:00 am
Where: Lunt 103
Contact Person: Boris Tsygan
Contact email: btsygan7@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 7-6446
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