Dynamical Systems Seminar

Title: Unbounded fast escaping wandering domains
Speaker: Adi Glücksam
Speaker Info: Northwestern
Brief Description:
Special Note:

Complex dynamics explores the evolution of points under iteration of functions of complex variables. In this talk I will introduce into the context of complex dynamics, a new approximation tool allowing us to construct new examples of entire functions and show new possible dynamical behaviours. In particular, we answer a question of Rippon and Stallard from 2012 about unbounded wandering domains with unbounded orbits, and provide a collection of examples supporting a conjecture of Baker. This talk is based on a joint work with V. Evdoridou, and L. Pardo-Simón, and will be given in `colloquium style', i.e., all the definitions and basic concepts will be discussed during the talk.
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Time: 4:00pm
Where: Lunt 104
Contact Person: Prof. Bryna Kra
Contact email: kra@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5567
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