%----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Beginning of ed-back.template %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % % This is a template file for the back matter of a volume in an AMS % proceedings series, for use with AMS-LaTeX 1.2 or 2.0. % % Most proceedings volumes do not have either a general bibliography or % an index. If there is no back matter, do not submit this file. % % For instructions, with samples for particular sections, see the web page % http://www.ams.org/authors/editpkg.html % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass{editor} % Include this package if more than one index is involved. %\usepackage{amsmidx} % Include this package if using amsrefs for a bibliography. %\usepackage{amsrefs} \begin{document} \backmatter % Replace 999 with correct page number. \setcounter{page}{999} % If amsrefs is used, just include the bibliography file. %\include{bibfilename} % The following commands should be used for BibTeX bibliographies. %\bibliographystyle{amsalpha} %\bibliography{bibfilenames} % Optional text to be included at the top of the index. %\renewcommand{\indexintro}{text} % Use this version if only a single index is involved. \printindex % Use this version if multiple indexes are involved. %\Printindex{filename-a}{First Index} %\renewcommand{\indexintro}{} %\Printindex{filename-b}{Second Index} \end{document} %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % End of ed-back.template %-----------------------------------------------------------------------