032 A - Calculus of several variables - Summer 2013 - UCLA
Time: 9-10:50am MTW for lectures and 12-12:50pm or 1-1:50pm TR for discussion.
Place: Lectures: Boelter 5249. Discussion: Boelter 5436 or 5252.
E-mail: antieau@math.ucla.edu.
Phone: 310-825-3068.
Course webpage: www.math.ucla.edu/~antieau/201303-032a.html
Course discussion site: piazza.com
Office hours: 10:50-11:50am MTW in my office, MS 6617D.
TA: Ben Bellis (bbellis@math.ucla.edu).
TA office hours: TBA.
Book: Rogawski, Multivariable Calculus, Second Edition, Freeman, ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-3193-0 (hardback) or 978-1-4641-3382-4 (looseleaf).
We will cover section 12.1 and most of chapters 13, 14, and 15.
Important dates:
- 7/04 - Independence Day. No discussion.
- 7/15 - Midterm. The midterm will take place in the first 50 minutes of class.
- 7/31 - Final exam. The final will be cumulative and will take place in class.
- Due 7/1 - 13.1: 1-13 odd; 17-21 odd; 25-43 odd. 13.2: 1-7 odd; 9-31 odd; 39; 47; 51. 13.3: 1-31 odd; 35-41 odd; 49-67 odd. 13.4: 1-31 odd; 37.
13.5:: 1-23 odd; 27; 31; 33-41 odd; 47. 12.1: 1; 7-11 odd; 15-17; 21-31 odd; 47.
- Due 7/8 - 14.1: 5-13 odd; 17; 21; 23; 25; 29. 14.2: 1-25 odd; 29-31; 39-41; 47-49. 14.3: 1-13 odd; 21-25 odd. 14.4: 1-19 odd, 29-31 odd, 43-57 odd.
- Due 7/15 - 14.5: 3-23 odd; 31-39 odd. 13.6: 1-21 odd. 15.1: 1-33 odd. 15.2: 1-13 odd; 17-21 odd; 35. 15.3: 1; 8; 13-33 odd; 31; 57-61 odd; 65; 67.
- Due 7/22 - 15.4: 3-13 odd. 15.5: 3-17 odd; 21-27 odd; 31; 43; 49; 51.
- Due 7/29 - 15.6: 1-15 odd; 23-29 odd; 35. 15.7: 1-5 (all); 7-21 odd; 35-43 odd. 15.8: 1-15 odd; 19-23 odd; 33.
- The final raw score will be computed with the following weights: 10% homework, 20% quizzes, 30% midterm, and 40% final.
- There will be one quiz each of the first 5 weeks of the course. It will happen on a random day of lecture. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. There will be no makeups.
- You can work collectively on the homework. You can also look to other sources for solutions. However, you must cite any outside source you have used
in finding your solution. And, you must write up your solution in your own words. There will be no late homework accepted. Early homework is always accepted.
- I suggest you make a serious attempt at each problem before consulting a peer or another text. This is good practice for the exams.
- A grade of 'F' will be assigned to any student who misses the final. Incompletes are reserved for those who have completed all of the work for the class, including the midterm,
but who, for a legitimate, documented reason, miss the final.
- I encourage everyone to use the free discussion board piazza.com for discussion of the class.
You may go to the website and enroll in MATH 131C.
This is a site that allows everyone to ask and answer questions. It is my hope that you will help each other out on the site.
If there are questions about policies, exams, etc, please post them on piazza as well. I will answer them there so that the answers will be public and useful to other students.
- However, please look at previous questions and this syllabus before posting a new question. In other words, RTFM.
- You may post anonymously, for reference.
- You may give us anonymous feedback by posting a private note on piazza.
- If you wish to request an accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible at A255 Murphy Hall,
(310) 825-1501, (310) 206-6083 (telephone device for the deaf). Website: www.osd.ucla.edu.
- This class will use the myUCLA gradebook facility.
- Come to office hours!
Catalogue description:
32A. Calculus of Several Variables. (4) Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: course 31A with a grade of C- or better. Introduction to differential calculus of several variables, vector field theory. P/NP or letter grading.