Math 465-2, 2014: Factorization algebras.

This course will give an exposition of factorization algebras in both the topological and algebro-geometric settings, culminating in recent work of Gaitsgory & Lurie that uses factorization homology methods to prove Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers for the case of function fields.

Course syllabus.
Jacob Lurie's lecture notes from Tamagawa Numbers via Nonabelian Poincaré Duality.
Dennis Gaitsgory's paper Contractibility of the space of rational maps, which proves the equivalence of RanG(X) and BunG(X) in characteristic zero.
Beilinson and Drinfeld's two books, Chiral Algebras and Quantization of Hitchin's integrable system and Hecke eigensheaves, are available here.
Kai Behrend's PhD thesis, The Lefschetz Trace Formula for the Moduli Stack in Principal Bundles.

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