Special Event

Title: Complexity of Decisions and Vision
Speaker: Professor Don Saari
Speaker Info: Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, UC Irvine
Brief Description:
Special Note:

By taking a broader perspective on what constitutes "decisions," it becomes possible to treat many psychological processes as being "decisions" made by our bodies. To expand on this topic, I will first describe some surprising limitations that must be imposed on decision rules defined on circles, say, the decision process adopted by a group selecting where to party on a beach of a circular island. Then I will describe the long standing "center-surround" concern in psychology where the perceived color of a disc (the center) is based on a combination of the actual color of the disc and the color of the surrounding background. Finally, both topics are combined where the conclusions about the vision issue appear to be unexpected.
Date: Monday, October 22, 2007
Time: 4:30
Where: Tech L211
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