PDE Seminar

Title: On the structure of solutions of multidimensional systems of conservation laws
Speaker: Professor Monica Torres
Speaker Info: Purdue University
Brief Description:
Special Note:

We obtain strong traces of solutions of multidimensional systems of conservation laws assuming a weaker regularity property on the entropy solution $u \in L^\infty(R^{d+1},R^m)$. More precisely, given any entropy function $\eta$ and any hyperplane $ \{(t,x): x \in R^d\}$, we show that if $u \in L^\infty(R^{d+1},R^m)$ is an entropy solution that satisfies the vanishing mean oscillation property on half balls, then $\eta(u)$ has strong traces $H^d$-almost everywhere on the hyperplane. For the general case, given any set of finite perimeter $E$ and $ nu: \delta^*E \to \mathbb{S}^d$ its inner unit normal and assuming the vanishing mean oscillation property on half balls, we show that the weak trace of the vector field $(\eta(u), q(u))$ is indeed strong, for any entropy pair $(\eta, q)$.
Date: Thursday, June 05, 2008
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Prof. Gui-Qiang Chen
Contact email: gqchen@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5553
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