Dynamical Systems Seminar

Title: The critical height and its depleted variants
Speaker: Patrick Ingram
Speaker Info: York University
Brief Description:
Special Note: Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference

Rational functions of degree d > 1 in one variable are parametrized by a quasi-projective variety. From the point of view of arithmetic geometry, it is natural to study points on this variety through the machinery of Weil heights, while the dynamical interpretation suggests other measures of complexity, such as the "critical height" introduced by Silverman. This talk will present some recent work relating the critical height to Weil heights on moduli space, and then go on to suggest some further directions involving variants of the critical height.
Date: Sunday, November 05, 2017
Time: 9:00am
Where: Tech M345
Contact Person: Laura DeMarco
Contact email: demarco@northwestern.edu
Contact Phone:
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