
Title: The free-boundary problem for the porous medium equation
Speaker: Professor Richard Hamilton
Speaker Info: UCSD
Brief Description:
Special Note: Yamabe Lecture

This is to announce the colloquium lecture this coming Friday. May 9, which will be presented by Richard Hamilton, visiting Harvard from UCSD. This talk is part of the series of "Yamabe Lectures", which were inaugurated by a fund from the familiy of H. Yamabe, who was a faculty member at Northwstern (approx) 40 years ago. He was one of the early workers in the field of "geometric partial differential equations", This field recently received implicit recognition when S.T. Yau of Harvard was awarded the National Medal of Science from President Clinton, as we learned from the message of Don Saari last week. Previous Yamabe lectures at Northwestern include Craig Evans, Neil Trudinger and Rick Schoen. In alternate years the Yamabe lecture has been given at Minnesota, following the same theme.

Hamilton has many achievements to his name, some connected with the solution of the "Yamabe problem"-- related to deforming the metric of a manifold according to a nonlinear parabloc PDE related to the scalar curvature. The official title of the Friday talk will be announced when it becomes available.

To the best of our knowledge thei is the final colloquium talk of the academic year. Your presence is most welcome. There will be a dinner outing on Thursday night for interested parties.

Date: Friday, May 09, 1997
Time: 4:00pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Prof. Mark Pinsky
Contact email: pinsky@math.nwu.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5519
Copyright © 1997-2024 Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University.