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Antonio (Tuca) Auffinger


Professor and Department Chair

Department of Mathematics
Northwestern University

2033 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208-2730, USA

Office: Lunt 228

Email: tuca [at]

Research Interests

Probability theory, mathematical physics, and their applications to biology and theoretical computer science.

Probability Seminars at Northwestern

Our main seminar meets either Tuesdays or Thursdays, 4pm Central time.

Our informal seminar meets on Thursdays, 12pm Central time.

National Institute of Theory and Mathematics in Biology

I am one of the associate directors of NITMB. The institute's mission is to create a nationwide collaborative research community that will generate new mathematical results and uncover the “rules of life” through theories, data-informed mathematical models, and computational and statistical tools. We are always seeking for great of ideas of workshops at the interface of mathematics and biology. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or: