Northwestern University Lunt Hall, home of the Math Department

Summer School in Probability

July 11th–22nd, 2016

Main Lecturers

The main courses will be given by:

Fabrice Baudoin (Purdue) - "Sub-Riemannian diffusions on foliated manifolds".

Nathanael Berestycki (Cambridge) - "Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravity."

Michael Damron (GA Tech) - "Geodesics in first-passage percolation."

Amir Dembo (Stanford) - "Statistical physics on sparse random graphs: a mathematical perspective."

Yimin Xiao (Michigan State) - "Gaussian random Fields: geometric properties and extremes."

Ofer Zeitouni (Weizmann-NYU) - "Extremes of log-correlated fields"


Week 1: All lectures to be held at Pancoe Auditorium except for Tuesday and Thursday 9am lecture at Tech LR4 .

July 11th-15th Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
8:45 Opening
9:00-10:20 Damron Damron* Damron Damron* Damron
10:40-12:00 Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao
2:00-3:20 Berestycki Berestycki Berestycki Berestycki Berestycki
4:00-5:20 Baudoin Baudoin Baudoin Baudoin
5:30- Reception (Lunt Hall) Short Talks Short Talks Short Talks

*: Tech-LR4

Week 2: All lectures to be held at Pancoe Auditorium except for Tuesday and the first lecture on Friday.

July 18th-22nd Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
9:00-10:20 Dembo Dembo* Dembo Dembo Dembo☀
10:40-12:00 Zeitouni Zeitouni* Zeitouni Zeitouni
2:00-3:20 Berestycki Berestycki** Baudoin Berestycki
4:00-5:20 Baudoin Baudoin** Baudoin
5:30- Short Talks Short Talks Reception (Lunt Hall)

*: Searle 1-441
**: Tech L211
☀: Searle 1-421


The scientific organizers are Antonio Auffinger and Elton Hsu.


This meeting is partially supported by a grant DMS-1542289 from the National Science Foundation to the probability group at Northwestern University and by the Department of Mathematics at Northwestern as part of the 2015/2016 emphasis year in probability theory.