Northwestern University Lunt Hall, home of the Math Department

Conference on New Developments in Probability, jointly hosted by Women in Probability

May 6th-8th, 2016 - Northwestern University

Registration for the Conference on New Developments in Probability, May 6th-8th, 2016 - Northwestern University.

Support for travel and accommodation is available. Please register below.

All fields are required.

Yes. No.

Graduate Student. Recent Ph.D. Neither.

If you are a graduate student requesting support please tell us:

(4) Ask your Ph.D. advisor to send an email to confirming your good standing as a graduate student.

Optional question.


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This meeting is partially supported by the National Science Foundation. By Grant NSF DMS 1255574 (PI: Tai Melcher) and by a grant to the probability group at Northwestern University and by the Northwestern Mathematics Department as part of the 2015/2016 emphasis year in probability theory.