Northwestern University Lunt Hall, home of the Math Department

Summer School in Probability

July 11th–22nd, 2016

Welcome to the 2016 Summer School in Probability

Deadline to apply for funding has passed. Registration without financial support is still available here.

Members of the Northwestern community do not need to register but if they want they could send an email to Antonio Auffinger to be added to the list of participants and to receive further updates and announcements about the conference.

Main Lecturers

The main courses will be given by:

Fabrice Baudoin (Purdue) - "Sub-Riemannian diffusions on foliated manifolds".

Nathanael Berestycki (Cambridge) - "Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravity."

Michael Damron (GA Tech) - "Geodesics in first-passage percolation."

Amir Dembo (Stanford) - "Statistical physics on sparse random graphs: a mathematical perspective."

Yimin Xiao (Michigan State) - "Gaussian random fields: geometric properties and extremes."

Ofer Zeitouni (Weizmann-NYU) - "Extremes of log-correlated fields"

There will be also talks by young career probabilists.

2016 Northwestern Probability Summer School, Group photo, 1st week


The scientific organizers are Antonio Auffinger and Elton Hsu.


This meeting is partially supported by grant DMS-1542289 from the National Science Foundation to the probability group at Northwestern University and by the Department of Mathematics at Northwestern as part of the 2015/2016 emphasis year in probability theory.