Spring School on Algebraic Microlocal Analysis

As part of the emphasis year in microlocal analysis at Mathematics Department of Northwestern University the school Algebraic Microlocal Analysis will take place in Evanston IL from May 14 to May 26, 2012. The school will be centered around several minicourses and colloquium-style talks. We will try to make the first week more introductory and the second more advanced. Limited funding is available.

  • Among the topics:
    Microlocal approach to determinants
    Microlocal approach to wall crossings
    Microlocal analysis in characteristic p
    Microlocal methods in symplectic topology
    Complex analytic symplectic geometry and topological field theory
    D-modules, deformation quantization, and representation theory
  • The organizing committee
    Dmitry Tamarkin
    Boris Tsygan
  • Confirmed minicourses
    Alexander Beilinson (Chicago)
    Shamgar Gurevich (Wisconsin)
    Claude Sabbah (Polytechnique)
    Tony Pantev (Penn)
  • Speakers
    Andrea D'Agnolo (Padova)
    Dima Arinkin (North Carolina)
    Giuseppe Dito (Dijon)
    Michael Gekhtman (Notre Dame)
    Dmitry Kaledin (Moscow)
    Ivan Losev (MIT)
    Takuro Mochizuki (RIMS)
    David Nadler (Northwestern)
    Tom Nevins (UIUC)
    Anatoly Preygel (MIT)
    Pierre Schapira (Paris VI)
    Travis Schedler (MIT)
    Dima Tamarkin (Northwestern)
    Boris Tsygan (Northwestern)


    Lectures notes and related links