Boris Tsygan's Homepage
Professor Of Mathematics
Northwestern University
302 Lunt Hall
2033 North Sheridan Avenue, Evanston IL 60208
Book in progress
Some Preprints and Publications
- Formality theorem for gerbes, Adv. Math. 273 (2015), 215–241, with P. Bressler, A. Gorokhovsky and R. Nest, arXiv:1308.3951
- Deligne groupoid revisited. Theory Appl. Categ. 30 (2015), 1001–1017, with P. Bressler, A. Gorokhovsky and R. Nest, arXiv:1211.6603
- On quasi-classical limits of DQ algebroids, with P. Bressler, A. Gorokhovsky and R. Nest, Compositio Matematica, v. 153, 1, p. 41-67 (2017), arXiv:1510.01361
- Algebraic and Analytic Microlocal Analysis, with M. Hitrik, D. Tamarkin,S. Zelditch (editors), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics vol. 269 (2018), arXiv:1512.02747v2
- Microlocal category associated to a symplectic manifold, in: Algebraic and Analytic Microlocal Analysis, p. 225-341.
- Oscilatory modules, Lett. Math. Phys. 88 (2009), no. 1-3, 343-369, arXiv:0905.0290
- Proof of Swiss Cheese Version of Deligne's Conjecture, with V. Dolgushev and D. Tamarkin, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2011, no. 20, 4666–4746, arXiv:0904.2753,
- Noncommutative calculus and the Gauss-Manin connection, with V. Dolgushev and D. Tamarkin, Higher structures in geometry and physics, 139-158, Progr. Math., 287, Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, 2011, arXiv:0902.2202
- Formality theorems for Hochschild complexes and their applications, with V. Dolgushev and D. Tamarkin, Lett. Math. Phys. 90 (2009), no. 1-3, 103-136 arXiv:0901.0069
- Deformations of algebroid stacks, with P. Bressler, A. Gorokhovsky and R. Nest, Adv. Math. 226 (2011), no. 4, 3018–3087 arXiv:0810.0030
- Chern character for twisted complexes, with P. Bressler, A. Gorokhovsky and R. Nest, Geometry and dynamics of groups and spaces, 309–324, Progr. Math., 265, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2008, arXiv:0710.0643
- Riemann-Roch for real varieties, with P. Bressler, M. Kapranov, E. Vasserot, Riemann-Roch for real varieties. Algebra, arithmetic, and geometry: in honor of Yu. I. Manin. Vol. I, 125-164, Progr. Math., 269, Birkhäuser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 2009 arXiv:0612410
- Noncommutative differential calculus, homotopy BV algebras and formality conjectures, with D. Tamarkin math.KT/0002116,
Metods of Functional Analysis and topology, 1, 2001
- Local formula for the index of a Fourier Integral Operator, with E. Leichtnam and R. Nest: J. differential geometry 59 (2001), 269-300 math.DG/0004022
- Riemann-Roch Theorems via deformation quantization I, with P. Bressler and R. Nest math.AG/9904121, Adv. Math. vol. 167, 1 (2002), Pages 1-25.
- Riemann-Roch Theorems via deformation quantization II, with Paul Bressler and R. Nest, math.KT/0002115, Adv. Math. vol. 167, 1 (2002), Pages 26-73.
- Formality conjectures for chains, math.QA/9904132, AMS Translations, 194, 2,261-274
- Deformations of symplectic Lie algebroids, deformations of holomorphic symplectic structures, and index theorems, with R. Nest, math.QA/9906020, Asian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 5, 599 (2001).
- Fukaya type categories for associative algebras, with R. Nest math.QA/9803140, Deformations and Quantizations, Ascona, 1996, Kluwer Publ. 1997
- On the cohomology ring of an algebra,with R. Nest, math.QA/9803132 Advances in Geometry, Progress in Mathematics, 172, Birkhauser, 1997, 337-370
Some mathematical institutions
Hebrew University Einstein Institute
Tel Aviv University Mathematics
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
RIMS Kyoto
IHES France
Center for Mathematics in Ukraine
Kyiv National University, Ukraine
Conference "Modern Trends in Non-Commutative Geometry"
Mini-conference on topological Hochschild homology - Notes
Spring School on Algebraic Microlocal Analysis at Northwestern
Northwestern Department of Mathematics
Geometric Langlands Seminar, University of Chicago
Geometric Functional Analysis at Penn State
Russian books
Some links related to Israel