Math 360-1

Office Hours: Monday 2--3, Wednesday 11--noon, and 2--3. My office is Lunt 204.

Class schedule: Click on the link for a tentative schedule of the topics to be covered.

Discussion: The weekly discussion section meets Thursdays from 1 to 2 in Tech L221. The TA is Noah Ankney; his office hours are Tuesday 2--3:30 and Thursday 11:25--12:55 in Lunt B11.

Exams: The final exam is scheduled for

Wednesday, December 6, 9 -- 11 AM

Please note that this time is set by the university and cannot be changed. The final will cover all of the course material. There will also be a midterm given in the discussion section.

Homework: Click on the link for a list of homework problems. For the problems to be submitted, please write up your solutions carefully, making sure to explain all of your reasoning. You may discuss the problems with one another, but please write up your solutions individually. Homework will be submitted via Crowdmark. Late homework will not be accepted.

Projects: You will also complete three projects focusing on applications of differential equations; these will involve both analytical and numerical methods, the latter with the aid of Mathematica. As with homework, you are encouraged to collaborate with each other, but all reports must be written individually.

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Here is an introduction to some basic Mathematica commands that we'll need in this course. You may also find this video tutorial helpful for getting started.

Grading: Your grade will be determined as follows:

Final exam:  35%
Midterm exam: 20% 
Three projects: 10%  each
Homework: 15%