115a/4 - Fall 2010 - UCLA
Time: 1pm MWF for lectures and 1pm TR for discussion.
Place: MS 5147.
E-mail: antieau@math.ucla.edu.
Phone: 310-825-3068.
Office hours: 2:00-3:30pm MW in my office, MS 6617D.
TA: Daniel Ram (danielram@math.ucla.edu).
TA office hours: to be announced.
Syllabus [pdf].
hw1 [pdf] (due 09/27). hw2 [pdf] (due 10/01).
hw3 [pdf] (due 10/08).
sample midterm 1 [pdf].
hw4 [pdf] (due 10/22).
hw5 [pdf] (due 10/29).
hw6 [pdf] (due 11/05).
sample midterm 2 [pdf].
hw7 [pdf] (due 11/19).
hw8 [pdf] (due 11/29).
hw9 [pdf] (due 12/03).
sample final [pdf].
Course outline:
- Week 1 (a very short week!) [09/23-09/24] - vector spaces (section 1.2).
- Week 2 [09/27-10/01] - subspaces, linear combinations, systems of linear equations, linear (in)dependence, bases, and dimensions (sections 1.3-1.6).
- Week 3 [10/04-10/08] - bases, dimensions, linear transformations, null spaces, and ranges (sections 1.6, 2.1).
- Week 4 [10/11-10/15] - linear transformations, null spaces, ranges, and matrix representations (sections 2.1-2.2). Midterm 1 on Friday.
- Week 5 [10/18-10/22] - matrix representations, composition of linear transformations and matrix multiplication, invertibility and isomorphisms (sections 2.3-2.4).
- Week 6 [10/25-10/29] - invertibility and isomorphisms, change of coordinate matrices, important facts about determinants (sections 2.4-2.5, 4.4).
- Week 7 [11/01-11/05] - eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalizability (sections 5.1-5.2).
- Week 8 [11/08-11/12] - diagonalizability (section 5.2). Midterm 2 on Friday.
- Week 9 [11/15-11/19] - inner products and norms, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, and orthogonal complements (sections 6.1-6.2).
- Week 10 (a short week) [11/22-11/24] - adjoints of linear operators, normal and self-adjoint operators (sections 6.3-6.4).
- Week 11 [11/29-12/03] - normal and self-adjoint operators, review (section 6.4).
- Week 12 [12/10] - Final examination, 11:30am-2:30pm.
Important dates:
- 23 September: First discussion section meeting (!!!).
- 24 September: First lecture.
- 27 September: Homework 1 due.
- 1 October: Homework 2 due.
- 8 October: Homework 3 due.
- 15 October: Midterm 1.
- 22 October: Homework 4 due.
- 29 October: Homework 5 due.
- 5 November: Homework 6 due.
- 11 November: No discussion section; Veteran's Day.
- 12 November: Midterm 2.
- 19 November: Homework 7 due.
- 29 November: Homework 8 due.
- 3 December: Homework 9 due.
- 10 December: Final examination, 11:30am-2:30pm.