Manuscripts (in pdf format):
- Propagation of growth and singularities
for Schrödinger operators (Duke Math. J. 98 (1999))
- The trace of the generalized harmonic
oscillator (Ann. Inst. Fourier 49 (1999))
- Distribution of resonances for
asymptotically euclidean manifolds (with Maciej Zworski,
J. Diff. Geom. 55 (2000))
- The FBI transform on compact
manifolds (with Maciej Zworski, Trans. AMS
353 (2001))
- Singularities and the wave equation on
conic spaces, (with Richard
Melrose, Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its
Applications, Australian National University, Vol. 39 (2001))
- Propagation of singularities for the
wave equation on conic manifolds, (with Richard
Melrose, Inventiones Mathematicae 156 (2004))
- A Poisson relation for conic
manifolds, (Math. Res. Lett. 9 (2002))
- The Schrödinger propagator for scattering
metrics (with Andrew
Hassell, Annals of Mathematics, 162 (2005))
- On the structure of the Schrödinger
propagator (with Andrew
Hassell, in Partial Differential Equations and Inverse
Problems, Contemp. Math.)
- The radiation field is a Fourier integral
operator (with Antônio Sá
Barreto, Ann. Inst. Fourier 55 (2005))
- A Strichartz inequality for
the Schrödinger equation on non-trapping asymptotically conic
manifolds (with Andrew
Hassell and Terence Tao,
Comm. PDE. 30 (2004))
- Sharp Strichartz estimates on
non-trapping asymptotically conic manifolds
(with Andrew Hassell and
Terence Tao, Am. J. Math. 128 (2006))
- Absence of super-exponentially decaying
eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds with pinched negative curvature,
(with András
Vasy, Math. Res. Lett. 12 (2005))
- Spreading of quasimodes in the
Bunimovich stadium,
(with Nicolas Burq and Andrew
Hassell, Proc. AMS 135 (2007))
- Spreading of Lagrangian regularity on
rational invariant tori, (Comm. Math. Phys., 279 (2008))
- The semiclassical resolvent and the
propagator for nontrapping scattering metrics (with Andrew
Hassell, Adv. Math. 217 (2008).)
- Propagation of singularities for the wave equation on edge manifolds (with Richard Melrose, and András Vasy, Duke
Math. J. 144 (2008).)
- Semiclassical second microlocal
propagation of regularity and integrable systems (with András Vasy,
J. d'An. Math. 108 (2009).) Note erratum below.
- (An erratum to the above
paper, J. d'An. Math. 115 (2011))
- Microlocal analysis and evolution equations
(From CMI/ETH 2008 Summer School on Evolution Equations, to appear in
proceedings volume.)
- Diffraction of singularities for the wave
equation on manifolds with
corners (with Richard Melrose, and András Vasy,
Astérisque, 351 (2013))
- Positive commutators at the bottom
of the spectrum (with András Vasy,
J. Func. Anal. 259 (2010))
- Resolvent estimates for normally
hyperbolic trapped sets (with Maciej Zworski,
Ann. Henri Poincaré 12 (2011)).
See also this erratum.
- Non-concentration of
quasimodes for integrable systems (Comm. PDE, 37 (2012))
- Morawetz estimates for the wave
equation at low frequency (with András Vasy, Math. Ann.,
355 (2013))
- Local smoothing for the
Schrödinger equation with a prescribed loss (with Hans Christianson,
Amer. J. Math., 135 (2013))
- From resolvent estimates to damped
waves (with Hans Christianson,
Schenck, András Vasy,
J. d'An. Math. 122 (2014)).
- Resolvent estimates with mild
trapping, Journées EDP, 2012.
- Resolvent estimates and local decay
of waves on conic manifolds (with
Dean Baskin),
J. Diff. Geom. 95 (2013).
- Strichartz estimates on
exterior polygonal domains (with
Dean Baskin and
Marzuola), Contemp. Math., 630.
- Asymptotics of radiation fields
in asymptotically Minkowski space (with
Dean Baskin and
András Vasy),
Am. J. Math., 137 (2015).
- The wave trace on manifolds with
conic singularities (with
Austin Ford),
Adv. Math., 304 (2017).
- Sharp high-frequency estimates for the
Helmholtz equation and applications to boundary integral equations (with
Dean Baskin and
Euan Spence), SIAM
J. Math. Anal. 48 (2016).
- Periodic damping gives polynomial
energy decay, Math. Res. Lett., 24 (2017).
Asymptotics of scalar waves on
long-range asymptotically Minkowski spaces
Dean Baskin and
András Vasy),
Adv. Math., 328 (2018).
- Diffractive propagation on
conic manifolds, Séminaire Laurent Schwartz, 2016.
- On resonances generated by conic
(with Luc
Hillairet), Ann. Inst. Fourier 70 (2020).
- Refined Weyl law for homogeneous perturbations of the
harmonic oscillator
(with Moritz Doll
and Oran
Gannot), Comm. Math. Phys. 362 (2018).
- Semiclassical diffraction
by conormal potential singularities
(with Oran
Gannot), Ann. Sci. ENS 56 (2023).
- On non-diffractive cones
(with Jeffrey
Galkowski), J. Diff. Geom. 120 (2022).
- Resonance-free regions for
diffractive trapping by
conormal potentials
(with Oran
Gannot), Amer. J. Math., 143 (2021).
- Optimal constants in
non-trapping resolvent estimates and applications in numerical
(with Jeffrey
Galkowski and Euan
Spence), Pure Appl. Anal. 2 (2020).
- For most frequencies, strong trapping
has a weak effect in frequency-domain scattering
(with David Lafontaine
and Euan
Spence), Comm. Pure. Appl. Math. 74 (2021).
- A sharp relative-error bound for the
Helmholtz $h$-FEM at high frequency
(with David Lafontaine
and Euan
Spence), Num. Math. 150 (2022).
- Caustics of weakly
Lagrangian distributions
(with Sean
Gomes), Ann. Henri Poincaré 23 (2022).
- Wavenumber-explicit
convergence of the hp-FEM for the full-space heterogeneous
Helmholtz equation with smooth coefficients
(with David Lafontaine
and Euan
Spence), Comp. Math. with Appl. 113 (2022).
- Diffraction for the
Dirac-Coulomb propagator (with
Dean Baskin),
Ann. Henri Poincaré, to appear.
- Decompositions of
high-frequency Helmholtz solutions via functional calculus, and
application to the finite element method
(with Jeffrey
David Lafontaine,
and Euan
Spence), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 55 (2023).
Generalized Price's law on fractional-order
asymptotically flat stationary spacetimes
(with Katrina Morgan),
Math. Res. Lett. 30 (2023).
Mode solutions to the wave equation on a rotating cosmic
string background
(with Katrina Morgan), Proc. AMS,
to appear.
- Wavenumber-explicit
parametric holomorphy of Helmholtz solutions in the context
of uncertainty quantification
(with Euan
Spence), SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantif., to appear.
- The hp-FEM applied to
the Helmholtz equation with PML truncation does
not suffer from the pollution effect
(with Jeffrey
Galkowski, David
Lafontaine, and
Spence), Comm. Math. Sci., to appear.
Baroclinic Tidal Conversion: Note on a Paper of
L.R.M. Maas (with Carl
Wunsch), J. Fluid Mech. 946 (2022).
- Newton polygons and resonances
of multiple delta-potentials (with
Kiril Datchev and
Marzuola), Trans. AMS, to appear.
Wave propagation on rotating cosmic string spacetimes
(with Katrina Morgan),
Comm. Math. Phys., to appear.
- Propagation for Schrödinger operators
with potentials singular along a hypersurface
(with Jeffrey
Galkowski), Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., to appear.
- The Morse index theorem for
systems with reflections (with
Mengxuan Yang and
Yuzhou (Joey)
Zou), Nonlinearity, to appear.
Helmholtz quasi-resonances are unstable under most single-signed perturbations of the wave speed
(with Euan
Yuzhou (Joey)
Zou), J. Diff. Eq., to appear.
Internal waves in a 2D subcritical channel
(with Zhenhao Li
Jian Wang), 2024.